Friday, February 12, 2010

Dear John

You couldn't pay me to see this:

But I might see this:


Fnord said...

I don't know if you made it better... or worse...

JLG said...

I don't think it could be worse!!!

Fnord said...

This movie does have it's advantages if you think about it.

1. Chicks love this crap.

2. You take a chick to see this movie, 95% chance of getting laid after.

For those two reasons alone, this makes it watchable. So, to those of you that need to get laid by your lady, take her to see this movie! DO IT!

Fletch said...

Ha! Did you make that? That's right up my alley...

JLG said...

Thanks Fletch - I was definitely inspired by your Sequel Imagining posters.

The Man-Cave said...

Awesome. That movie looks like it's an instant ovulation initiator.

And that f'n lead actor? Why is he in so many movies? He's f'n terrible. John Cena called and wants his gimmick back.

オテモヤン said...
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